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5 Key Metrics to Measure in Your Packaging Testing as a Small Business

5 Key Metrics to Measure in Your Packaging Testing as a Small Business

Is your packaging as effective as you think it is? Does it give you repeating customers? Does it keep your products safe in transit? When you’re testing your packaging design as a small business, it’s important to track specific metrics that can help you understand how well your packaging is working. Whether you’re using simple, off-the-shelf packaging or adding custom touches, these key areas can guide you in making improvements.

1. Customer Feedback

The easiest way to know if your packaging hits the mark is to ask your customers. Their first impressions and experience with your packaging can give you valuable insight into what’s working and what’s not.

What to Measure:

  • Survey Results: After they receive their order, send out a quick survey to ask customers about the packaging. Was it easy to open? Did it look appealing?
  • Unboxing Experience: How did the unboxing make them feel? Fun and exciting? Or maybe it felt a little frustrating or plain?
  • Product Protection: Ask whether the product arrived safely. Did the packaging do its job of keeping the item protected during shipping?

2. Shipping Durability

If your packaging looks great but doesn’t hold up during shipping, it’s not doing its job. Shipping durability is key to keeping your products safe.

What to Measure:

  • Damage Rate: Track the number of damaged items that are reported after delivery. High numbers may indicate the packaging isn’t strong enough.
  • Return Costs: If you have a lot of returns because of damaged goods, that’s an extra cost that can add up quickly.
  • Handling Wear and Tear: Observe how well the packaging holds up after shipping—are there dents, tears, or other signs that it’s not durable enough?

3. Packaging Costs

While it’s tempting to go all out on beautiful packaging, it’s important to stay within budget. Measure the cost-effectiveness of your packaging to ensure you're getting the best value.

What to Measure:

  • Cost per Unit: Track how much each unit of packaging costs, and compare that to your overall profit margins.
  • Shipping Costs: Some packaging can add unnecessary weight or size to your shipments, increasing your shipping costs. Monitor if your packaging is affecting shipping fees.
  • Materials vs. Durability: Check if more affordable materials still offer the right amount of protection. Sometimes small tweaks can cut costs without sacrificing quality.

4. Brand Perception

Your packaging is an extension of your brand, so it’s essential to know how it impacts your brand’s image.

What to Measure:

  • Brand Recall: Ask customers if they remember your packaging and if it stood out. Did they recognize your branding right away?
  • Social Media Mentions: Track whether customers are sharing their unboxing experience or packaging on social media. Positive mentions can mean your packaging is making a lasting impression.
  • Customer Reviews: Check reviews to see if customers are talking about the packaging—whether positively or negatively.

5. Environmental Impact

Eco-friendly packaging is becoming more and more important to customers. Measuring your packaging’s sustainability can help you stay aligned with customer values and industry trends.

What to Measure:

  • Sustainability Feedback: Ask customers how important eco-friendly packaging is to them and whether they felt your packaging met that expectation.
  • Material Use: Track the type of materials you're using—are they recyclable, biodegradable, or sourced sustainably?
  • Waste Reduction: Measure how much waste your packaging generates. Is there a way to use less material without compromising protection?

Testing your packaging design doesn’t have to be overly complicated, but it’s important to track the right metrics to ensure your packaging is functional, cost-effective, and appealing to your customers. 

Ready to test packaging that stands out AND performs?

Impack offers high-quality, durable packaging options that protect your products while creating a memorable customer experience. From eco-friendly materials to designs that match your brand, we've got you covered. Elevate your packaging today with Impack!

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