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A patterned Floral 2D rosy brown fabric with a fabric tag, likely a swatch or textile sample, presented in impack.co biodegradable mailer bags.

6" x 9"

A patterned Floral 2D rosy brown fabric with a fabric tag, likely a swatch or textile sample, presented in impack.co biodegradable mailer bags.

10" x 13"

A patterned Floral 2D rosy brown fabric with a fabric tag, likely a swatch or textile sample, presented in impack.co biodegradable mailer bags.

12" x 15.5"

A patterned Floral 2D rosy brown fabric with a fabric tag, likely a swatch or textile sample, presented in impack.co biodegradable mailer bags.

14.5" x 19"

A patterned Floral 2D rosy brown fabric with a fabric tag, likely a swatch or textile sample, presented in impack.co biodegradable mailer bags.

19" x 24"

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25 50 100 500 1000
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Which size do I need?

Since products have different thicknesses, choosing size based on 2D measurements for a thicker item might result in getting a bag that's too small for that item.

Our Mailer Bag Size Calculator is here to help you figure out the perfect size for your product. Simply enter your item dimensions to see the recommended size you need to pack for your item

You need a size _" x _" or larger
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inches cm
measuring items to ship
Length: inches
Width: inches
Height: inches

Bubble mailer calculator

Enter the dimension of your content to get our mailer size recommendation

You need a size _" x _" or larger
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inches cm
Length: inches
Width: inches
Height: inches

Packing tape calculator

Not sure how much tape you need? Enter your box dimensions, select whether you need to seal the top only, or both sides and get the estimate here

You need _" of tape for each box.
inches cm
A cardboard box sealed with decorative tape is shown. The box features two upward-pointing arrows symbol.
Box Length: inches